Saturday, May 28, 2016

21 DF Day 5-6: The Dirty 30

Day 5: 
Good news! It's almost the end of the week and I'm still alive! Woohoo!! So last we spoke I told you about the changes I made with my diet and ended with the easier Pilates day. Well let me tell you, I now see why they have a toned down day half way through. It's because it's about to get amped up in a major way. Day 5 workout is another cardiovascular day, but it is NOT the same cardiovascular workout done on day 1. This one doesnt include the use of weights which is a little bit of a double edged sword. It was nice because weights are heavy, but it kind of sucked when I realized my body was my weights instead and my body is much heavier than my weights lol. Basically this work out included lots of planking, high knees, and burped - oh the burpees.

I did want to mention here to the third and final flavor of my Shakeology regimen, the cafe latte. I actually expected to love this one because I am a Starbucks addict!!! However, I was a little let down. I'd have liked the coffee taste to have been a little stronger. So all in in all my definite favorite  flavor is chocolate followed by cafe latte and then vanilla rounding out the bottom (bleh vanilla)

Day 6:
So Day 6 was a workout called the "Dirty 30". Honestly I'm not really sure why. Maybe it's because it feels like you're working like 30 muscles all at once. It kinda of kicked my booty. It's a lot work with weights, like doing 5 zillion sumo squats while lifting weights. I'm not gonna lie, I was feeling like I was progressing until this workout. It felt like day 1 again where I felt like I was doing every move like 2x slower than the people on my tv. Even the easier modifier lady was blowing me out of the water. I am proud to say though that I didn't stop I just kept moving at my own pace because even that is better than nothing. I did actually do a substitute exercise for the last rep though because that particular move I was supposed to be doing hurt my hip in a weird way, so to avoid injury I made up my own move

So to sum it all up, I do actually feel like I am seeing a change in my body. I feel like I am staring to slim down in areas and for a little definition. I'm going to quit leaving you Shakeology updates because I've told you about all three flavors I've tried and I'm going to have one once a day. End of story lol. I would love to hear if anyone reading this has done or is doing the 21 Day Fix. Just let me know in comments about your experience. I will see everyone back here tomorrow for end of my first week!

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