Thursday, May 26, 2016

21 DF Day 3-4: I See It

Ok so I am smooshing these two days together into one update because I kind of totally reworked my entire original schedule/plan. I am now doing my workouts at night because that way I can rest after and not have to worry about having enough energy to go through work and the rest of my day. Therefore after my Day 3 work out I was kinda too tired to type a blog post - sorry not sorry lol.

Day 3:
Ok so the work out for day 3 was "the lower fix". As you can imagine it worked your lower abs, glutes, and legs. I actually found this workout to be a little easier for me because I did dance from the age of 9 to 19 and, while that was some time ago, I feel like I still have a little residual muscle left there while upper body I have zero - like really it's sad.

For the Day 3 food, I played around a little bit like I mentioned in my last post. For breakfast, I again had my egg and toast, but I also added my Shakeology Shake as well. I felt much fuller and I've always heard breakfast is the most important meal. For the rest of the day, I still used the boxes during meals, but if it wasn't satisfying me, I added like an extra veggies box or fruit box etc from I'm "supposed to be eating" according to Plan A. Guess what? I felt 110% better and I feel like I'm still eating healthy enough to get results.

Day 4:
The workout for Day 4 was definitely my favorite so far. It could be because it was a little easy for a "recovery" day, but hey judge me. Day 4 was Pilates Day. I actually did enjoy it because Pilates help to give you more flexibility which is definitely one of my goals. Plus the planks in this work... I cant even lol.
Me trying to touch my toes--->

For the food on Day 4 I followed my modified method like I explained above for Day 3. I'm not gonna lie because I told you I'd be totally honest, I did allow myself a "cheat item" today - plain vanilla ice cream cone, but let me defend myself. First, I have been working really hard this week and deserve a reward. Second, it's been proven that people on a diet are more successful if they allow themselves one "cheat item" a week. (That info came from my bf, not sure how "proven" it is lol) Lastly, I wholeheartedly believe every girl is entitled to one yummy good item on the first day that Aunt Flo comes to visit. Sorry if that's tmi, but it's true, ask any girl.

All in all, I am still happy with how this is going. Even with me modifying the eating plan, I do feel like I am starting to see some changes. I feel like I can see just a tiny bit of muscle starting to poke through woop woop!!!

Please if you have done the 21 Day Fix, let me know your thoughts on it in comments or if you're currently doing it, let me know how it's going and if you're experiencing the same as me! If you're interested in what I'm doing and have any questions I'm not answering in my rants, let me know!
Goodnight Loves!

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